Future of Edmonton Green

The Future

In December 2021 we received planning permission to transform Edmonton Green into a vibrant destination for the local community. Our masterplan will deliver £500m worth of investment into the area and provide 1,468 much needed new homes, of which 35% will be affordable, alongside over 16,000sqm of new landscaped public space, in addition to new community, retail, and leisure facilities.

The application was submitted as part detail and part outline, meaning that we can make a start on Phase One – delivering 350 new homes, of which 109 will be affordable, six retail units and improved, landscaped public spaces. The remaining four phases will still need to be consulted on with the local community and detailed applications submitted to Enfield Council before they can be started.


The Masterplan Proposals

We spent two years consulting with local people on the proposals for the redevelopment of Edmonton Green shopping centre, and the benefits this will bring to local communities.

During this time, we listened and responded to people’s feedback on the plans before submitting a planning application to Enfield Council in December 2020. The Council then carried out its own statutory consultation on the plans between January and February 2021 and, in response to feedback, we made some further changes to the masterplan and the detailed designs for phase one, which were approved at Enfield’s Planning Committee in December 2021.

Click the documents to view a summary of the consented plans or visit our consultation website to see how we developed the masterplan with local people

Phase 1 Updates
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